James O. Cox Award Requirements:

A nominee for the James O. Cox Award must be a regular member of ISM-Houston, Inc. for a minimum of ten consecutive years, must have served either as a voting member of the Board of Directors for at least two consecutive years or been Chair of a committee or combination of committees for at least 3 years. If a voting board member, they must have attended at least 7 of 10 board meetings in the same year. A sitting President is not eligible for this award during their presidential year.

The nominee must have:

a) Demonstrated leadership and managerial capabilities

b) Performed their assigned tasks

c) Attended a majority of the General Meetings

d) Active in ISM-Houston activities

You can download the form for your choice for the James O. Cox award here.

Please contact Rose Berberian, the James O. Cox Nominating Committee Chair if you have any questions.

Rose Berberian Email: Rose.Berberian@gmail.com